Vino, ki je prejelo odlične ocene vseh vinskih gurujev.
A wine that received brave reviews from all wine gurus.
Ali želite poskusiti, kakšnemu vinu da Robert Parker 100 točk?
Would you like to try what kind of wine gets 100 Robert Parker points?
Edinstveno in ekskluzivno vino enega najprestižnejših svetovnih vinarjev.
A unique and exclusive wine by one of the most renowned winemakers in the world.
Vas zanima okus enega najboljših modrih pinotov na svetu?
Are you interested in the flavour of one of the best Pinot Noirs in the world?
Čudovit okus čistega syraha severne Rone.
A wonderful flavour of pure Syrah from northern Rhone.
Syrah, ki ljubi vročino, iz porekla v Severni Roni. Rezultat? Eden najboljših syrahov na svetu.
Syrah, which loves heat; from Northern Rhone. Result? One of the best Syrahs in the world.
Stalno med najboljšimi vini tega velikega porekla.
Constantly among the best wines of this great district.