Ali ga vzljubite ali ga ne marate, vmesne stopnje ni. Odličen k hladnim rakcem ali z olivami.
You either love it or hate it, there’s no in-between. Excellent with cold prawns or with olives.
Pravi šeri je suh, PX pa je sladek. Za zaključek dobre večerje ob intenzivni čokoladni sladici.
True Sherry is dry, but PX is sweet. For after a good dinner with an intensely chocolate dessert.
Najmlajši iz Sandemanovega trisa starih tawnijev.
The youngest of Sandeman’s new trio of old tawny Port.
Port, zoren dve desetletji v velikih sodih. Starejši od Slovenije.
Port matured for two decades in large barrels. Older than Slovenia.
Port iz časov Woodstocka. Za obujanje spominov.
A Port from the time of Woodstock. For awakening memories.
Odlična spremljava k temni čokoladi.
An excellent acompaniment to dark chocolate.
Z dovolj značaja, da se lahko kosa s temno čokolado in karamelo. Odličen dodatek močnejšim sladicam.
With enough character to go along with dark chocolate and caramel. An excellent addition do stronger desserts